Team Rules

Team Rules

The Celebration Times Team on Etsy is a moderated team.
Our team tag is: #CTEtsy

What type of shops will be on our Team?

We are looking for shops that feature items for special events (birthdays, wedding, new baby/christenings, anniversaries, etc.) as well as holidays ... and shops that show a potential to grow in those areas. If you use Pinterest, Twitter, blog, or can spread the word about team members' shops on Facebook, that's also a good thing for our team. We are moderated because we do not want the team to become too large. The goal is a small, active community of members who like to support each other through games and social media sites with an emphasis on times of celebration. You must have a shop with an average of 20 or more well photographed items, maintain good customer feedback, and display a friendly and cooperative attitude towards teammates. Although your shop need not be exclusively focused on holidays and special events, you should have some items of that nature. For example, if your shop doesn't carry Christmas items you might consider adding seasonal items in the background of the first photograph of some of your listings so they fit into special themes.

What are a team member's responsibilities?

Our utmost goal is to make our team activities fun! We want you to enjoy participating and not do so because of an obligation. However, teams must have rules and we want you to know what they are. Our rules require only a small time commitment from you and these requirements will be easy for you to manage absent any special circumstances.

As a member please display creativity and friendship. The captain has the right to delete any shops that do not follow the team rules or Etsy’s TOU. If you have not contacted the captain about special circumstances and you do not participate as required or the shop remains on vacation mode for more than a month with no explanation, you will be removed from the team.
See the team heading to see your options for monthly participation requirements.


Failure to Meet the Requirements:

Failure to meet the requirements during the first month when you are a team member will result in your removal from the team. Of course, we will take emergencies, serious illness, natural disaster, death of immediate family member, etc. into account and will work with someone if there is a real emergency for the shop owner. Please let the captain know if you have an emergency situation.

After the first month, members are entitled to 1 reminder a calendar year. If you are behind with meeting your obligations at the end of the month, a reminder will be sent telling you that you owe some team promotion and that you need remedy this within a listed number of days to remain on the team. After the first time, no warning will be sent out for any future months in that calendar year. Obviously we are still understanding if you have a serious situation you are dealing with, just let the captain know. 



There will be team games and we hope all will participate. Game participation is the main way to bring exposure to your shop and your listings. Anticipate there will be lots of action in games with some new ones each month. 

Expect variety! 
Expect fun!
There are so many things to celebrate!

Some games and activities will relate to seasons or holidays. We are still adapting to doing fun games without treasuries, but you can be assured we will be thinking of the most creative things we can! 


Support Your Team in Other Ways:

If you are on Pinterest, help the team by creating a heading with “Celebration Times” and posting some items from each shop. We also have a team Pinterest board where you can post items. We have a presence on Twitter where our hashtag is #CTEtsy. On other social media sites, let your readers know about what our team is celebrating. Extend exposure to team members' shops on your Facebook Page. When you feature a particular shop, convo the shop so they can look at your work!

Sometimes we have a heading on the board for members who like to get involved in a little extra clicking or viewing. It's not required and may be as little as "Click on an Item From the Shop that Posted Above You." Some people like participating. For all team requirements, it's a good idea to keep a little notebook or calendar handy so you can write down when you completed the requirements for each month. I do that when things get busy.

General Heading for Newly Listed Items (and Renewals):

Please list no more than the designated number of items at a time and when you list, please click on several of the items that are posted before yours. We maintain a Treasury Resource that contains all the items listed by all the shops on the team. It is handy when you want to look for a particular item - maybe "red ring" or "Christmas ornament", etc. For new shops on the team, if your shop is large we will only list the first 50 items to begin with and will work on adding the rest as we are able.

Are there any special requests for settings on my Etsy Shop?

Your Etsy “favorites” setting must be set to public. Please “follow” the captain and any team leaders. If you have space available, it will be appreciated if you follow all team members.

When you apply for membership, you are asked to provide an e-mail address. It's for the captain or leader to communicate by e-mail if the need arises and is not shared with other team members. Please keep the captain updated if your e-mail address changes.

Are there additional rules?

Yes. All team posts on Etsy must be POSITIVE! A team that is "celebrating" should be filled with joy and excitement. If you have any issues that cause you to be less than happy concerning the team, please bring them to the attention of the captain or team leader.

Do not start new threads. We are trying to keep the number of headings small so it will be easy to locate each. 

You, as a team member, give permission to other shops on the team allowing them to include your listings in their blogs or on other social media sites, giving proper credit to you as the listing shop. No personal information is to be shared other than what any visitor to those social media sites might read.

Members agree to keep all team activities including listings used in supporting the team “family friendly” - meaning that most people would not mind having their child view it. Items used must not be excessively violent or sexual in nature. This is to assure that team members will not be expected to click on items that are objectionable to their family values.


Membership: Did I miss the "party" boat?

Did you receive an invitation to join this team?

If you arrived at this page as the result of an invitation to the team, please respond within 7 days. Otherwise, others may fill the available space.

What should I know if I applied and my shop is not added at this time?

If your application is not approved, please check back with us later because we might decide to grow a bit larger later on. For now we want you to know that not all applications will be approved and members are being selected based on the type of items in their shops, variety of the items, use of social media sites, and other factors such as their demonstrated enjoyment of promoting other shops.  (If we cannot grant you membership when you first apply, it doesn't mean there is anything wrong with your shop or you as a member of Etsy! We can't emphasize that enough.)

Much of the information contained here will also appear with our team postings on Etsy. It's placed here so you can refer to it when you consider membership and if you need to review it later on. Any changes in the rules will be documented here. We don't expect you to have a photographic memory! Everyone will make a mistake now and then. If something is done incorrectly, the captain or leader may need to remove something you posted. If there is more than an occasional misstep, we will convo you and see if you need help to understand the rule.

The captain has the right to change rules for the better operation of the team and will take recommendations from members. If the captain is ever unable to continue with the team, she will ask if someone else wishes to be captain. If no one steps forward, the captain has the right to delete all team members and close the team.

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